This is the first installment in the Chicken Clips video series that will be an ongoing Chicken Lit project. The videos will feature young children reading, singing, and interacting with books and the people they love to share them with. This inaugural Chicken Clip is of 3-year-old Harrison, his 1-year-old brother, Ethan, and their spectacular nanny, Shannon. Harrison used to come to story time every Tuesday morning, before starting preschool this year. He would come rolling in, smiling to beat the band, with stories and news and jokes to tell, making everyone around him smile, too. When we sang our closing song, Bell Horses, no one belted it out with as much gusto and enthusiasm as Mr. H. We really do miss his voice in the story time choir. These days, the torch has been passed to Ethan who just turned 1, has a smile that rivals his brother's, gleefully sits right up front with Shannon at baby story time, and is fast becoming the next book lover in the family. Here are the three of them in the Charles Santore Library's children's room performing their rendition of Chicken Soup with Rice (Harrison is the front man).
This is ADORABLE!!!